Forename *

Surname *

Please enter at least one telephone number where you can be contacted (home or mobile)

Mobile Telephone

Home Telephone

Email *

Current/Most Recent Job Title *

Current/Most Recent Employer *

Current Salary *

Current Benefits *

Equal Opportunities Statement

Coats supports equal opportunities in employment and recruitment and considers it to be an integral part of our employee relations policy. All employees and job applicants will be treated fairly and with respect. The Company will ensure it complies with all applicable laws which prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace. To operate this policy and for no other purpose, applicants are asked to complete the questions below. The equal opportunities data will be anonymous and will only be used for the purpose of monitoring in line with our equal opportunities policy. All information given will be treated as strictly confidential and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. If you have a disability and require adjustments to the recruitment process, please contact us (click the "Contact" button at top of page).

Nationality *
Ethnic Origin *
Age Range *
Gender *